LearnIntro to Web3
How to get an ens domain?

How to get an ens domain?

April 13, 2023
 min read

An ens domain makes it easy for you and others to send crypto assets to your wallet.

By Peter

An ens domain makes it easy for you and others to send crypto assets to your wallet.

Recall that your wallet's public key lets people send assets (e.g., NFTs) to you. Unfortunately, it’s a long string of characters (e.g., 0xa5d1b…) that’s hard to remember.

Let's make it so that people can send assets to yourname.eth instead:

  1. Go to and connect your wallet
  2. Search for yourname.eth or whatever you want to call your wallet address
  3. If the address is available, choose the registration period and click “Request.” The transaction will cost a small amount of eth.

Once the transaction is confirmed, you should have an eth domain that people can send crypto assets to. You can confirm that you now own the domain by:

  1. Looking for it in wallets like Rainbow
  2. Typing it in on Etherscan to see if it matches your public wallet address

Performing transactions on Ethereum is expensive. Let's cover how you can pay less gas next.

Up next: How to pay less gas?
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